Statistical Predictors: Exploring Knowledge, Attitude, and Self-efficacy of Osteoporosis Among Perimenopausal Women

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Afnan A. Albokhary


Aims: This research aims to fill a gap in knowledge by establishing awareness (knowledge) about osteoporosis and exploring the association with attitude and self-efficacy among women over the age of 40 in India after an education program. The results have also revealed the correlation of knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy with participants’ demographics. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental one-group pretest, post-test design was adopted to collect data. It involved 120 perimenopausal women between 40 to 50 years who work in automation Power Systems, Coimbatore, a developing country. A survey questionnaire was developed to assess their knowledge, attitude, and practices about Osteoporosis before education and sixty days after an education program. Investigators discussed knowledge aspects of Osteoporosis in terms of definition, types, causes, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and pharmacological intervention. It also discusses the prevention and promotion perspectives to consistently practice exercises and healthy balanced nutrition. Results: In Pre-test, 84 (70%) of them had inadequate knowledge, 36 (30%) had moderate knowledge with a mean score of a low value13.16 ± 3, whereas, in the post-test, only 32 (27%) had inadequate knowledge, 88(73%) had adequate knowledge with a mean value of 23± 2.87. Findings indicated that a structured teaching program enhanced their knowledge with a significant value of level p<.05. A highly significant association was found between the level of attitude about Osteoporosis and a healthy attitude (benefits of calcium) at p=.000 during the post-test. Pre and post-test scores of self-efficacy differed significantly only with the factor on benefits of exercises at p=.007. Conclusion:  This research explored a profound deficit in awareness about Osteoporosis among women in a developing country. Hence a dire need is required to teach awareness regarding the prevention and promotion of health among women prone to prevent them from Osteoporosis.


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