A Study to Signify the Application of Biomathematics: Mathematical Models in Biology and Beyond

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Biswanath Sarkar, Mohammad Salim


Mathematical tools are currently ubiquitous in the biological sciences, and the field that emerged from the merging of the two, biomathematics, has not only flourished but also seen substantial growth and practical use. Biomathematics has many different subfields, each with its own set of applications; new subfields are constantly emerging and expanding. Applying mathematical tools and procedures to tackle issues in the biological sciences is the essence of mathematical biology, a multidisciplinary field. Important models covered include logistic growth and Lotka-Volterra models for population dynamics, SIR and SEIR models for epidemiology, the Michaelis-Menten equation for biochemical reaction kinetics, the Hodgkin-Huxley model for neural networks, and the Wright-Fisher model for evolutionary dynamics.

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