Performance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams under Static Flexural Load

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M.Vadivel, J.Brema


This study investigatesthe behavior of reinforced concrete beams under static flexural load developed with mono fiber and hybrid fibers reinforced concrete. Hybridization is to improve the flexural performance of simply supportedreinforced concrete beams. In this investigation, five different mixes are investigated under flexure. Two mono fiber reinforced concrete beam with Steel fiber and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) fiber fiber of 2.0% volume fraction mixes. Hybrid fiber reinforced concrete mix with recycled PET bottle fiber of 0.5% hybrid with 1.5% of steel fiber, PET fiber of 1.0% and steel fiber of 1.0% and PET fiber of 1.5% and steel fiber of 0.5% are the other threemixes under investigation. The flexural properties of concrete beam without fiber reinforcementisused as the base mix for comparison. From the results, it has been studied that hybrid fiber reinforced concrete beams performed better than the all the other mixes.


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