Object Scheduling and Optimization Techniques Using Hesitancy Fuzzy Network Diagram

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R Jeevitha, M.Parimala, D. Arivuoli


This paper proposed a new approaches for project scheduling via Hesitancy Fuzzy network diagram. This study helps to planning, controlling and managing the project. It is an essential tool to estimate the project completion or cost. In this paper we introduce the concept of Hesitancy Fuzzy Network diagram with algorithm to analyze the optimization techniques such as PERT and Assignment problems with real life examples.


Conclusions: The Project evaluation and review techniques plays a vital role in applied Mathematical modeling. It is useful to assign work to the and determination of the time schedule for the activities of a construction project. In this paper, we construct the Hesitancy Fuzzy networks to find out the project completion time and also useful to assign work to the relevant persons. This algorithm is used for the following situations like Minimal spanning tree, Shortest path problem, Maximal flow and Critical path problems.

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