CrossFit Exercises and Their Impact on the Explosive Power and Speed Characteristic of Young Goalkeepers in Football

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Hussein Saddam Imran, Faris Sami Youssef


The importance of the research lies in the preparation of compound exercises for goalkeepers in a style of competitive fitness (CrossFit), which is characterized by competition and diversity in the use of many tools that give the guards a rush in training and developing many of the basic skills of young goalkeepers in football, and the research aims to prepare complex exercises in a manner of competitive fitness ( CrossFit) for young football goalkeepers, and to identify the effect of complex exercises in a competitive fitness method (CrossFit) to develop some basic skills of young goalkeepers in football, and the exploratory sample amounted to (3) players, the training units were subjected to direct supervision by researchers and with the help of goalkeeper coach, As the training curriculum included (8) weeks during the special preparation stage, by (3) units per week, and the total training units amounted to (24) training units. The application of compound exercises has a positive effect on developing some basic skills for young goalkeepers.

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