Implementation of Novel Cryptographic Techniques for Mitigating Security Attacks in Iot

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Dr. Kuppala Saritha, Dr. D. Leela Rani, Dr. K. Balaji, Vanlalruata Hnamte, Jamal Hussain


With the Internet of Things (IoT), gadgets of all shapes and sizes may exchange data by connecting to the internet. Any item that a child might play with, your car's stereo, or a household appliance could be considered an example. Even at the end of the twentieth century, it wasn't a distinct concept, but over the last two decades, it has become an integral part of our life. Consumers' ability to change and adapt at breakneck speed is a major contributing factor. Sharing a large volume of data amongst various IoT devices has the unpleasant side effect of making these devices a target for hackers and other unethical users who seek to exploit these devices' vulnerabilities. Furthermore, if this data is stolen or misused by hackers, it might have a devastating effect on the entire firm that owns it. Models, schemes, and implementation features of IoT alternate technologies and devices are all brought together in this tutorial. Confidentiality, authentication, data integrity, and service availability are all addressed in terms of hardware implementation efficiency. Modern attacks and hazards, as well as defenses against them, are taken into account. We'll talk about how cryptography research can help address the new security threats posed by IoT devices. The design of IOT must take safety into account from the outset. The Internet of Things (IOT) has three notable characteristics: general perception, dependable transmission, and intelligent processing. A hybrid encryption technique has been devised in this work in order to mitigate security risks while increasing encryption speed and reducing computing complexity. Information integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation in data sharing are the goals of this hybrid algorithm for IOT. We have tested our proposed method against RSA and AES and found that our hybrid technique outperforms the rest of the existing methods.

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